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Hoyeon Chung is a mixed media artist specializing in precious metals, permeable mesh, paper, and leather. Chung’s sculptures bridge the gap between decorative and functional, acting as both sculpture and wearable jewelry. Her most recent body of work highlights permeable material, constructing organic shapes with polyester mesh. Each work contains a record of the artist’s choices in its construction, including brush strokes of color and serged edges. Both resilient and delicate, voluminous but airy, the material allows Chung to allude to thoughts, memory, and inspirations beyond the tangible. Chung’s early work was inspired by human-to-human interactions, however in recent years, the process of remembering and recording relationships has taken precedence. By fully embracing the translucency and etherial nature of mesh, paper, and fiber, Chung can build up complex layers reminiscent of water colors, blending and bleeding across a page.

Chung received her BFA, MFA and PhD in Metal Art & Design at Hong-Ik University and has since been featured in the Chungju Craft Biennale, the Craft Trend Fair, the International Handwerksmesse of Munich, Milan Design Week, the Hong-Ik Museum of Art, the PBS series Expressions, and much more. She currently resides in Seoul, South Korea.

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